20 Years Celebration Party!
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Welcome to Ma's Got'a Notion
Here at Ma's, we got your back...quilt back, that is!!!
20 YEARS...Yes, it will have been 20 YEARS on Oct. 31st. I will celebrate my 20th year as a small part of the quilting community. We will celebrate with a week-long party! This is IN shop ONLY; no online or phone orders.
Beginning on Tue. Oct. 31st at 10 am and continuing through the full week...the party hours are:
Tue. Oct. 31st, 10 am - 5 pm
Wed. Nov. 1st, 10 am - 5 pm
Thur. Nov. 2nd, 10 am - 5 pm
Fri. Nov. 3rd, 10 am - 5 pm
Sat. Nov. 4th, 10 am - 4 pm
There will be prizes, and all of our guests that week will be eligible to win some awesome gifts from Ma's shop and a few of my generous suppliers who have donated to this milestone celebration!
What would a 20-year celebration be without a 20% saving on all fabrics on the bolt, which includes regular widths and wide backings, too, 1/2 yard minimum to enjoy the 20% savings. But wait, there will be a selection of fat quarter full-line collections 20% off, too, and several kits will be 20% off!
The fabrics on the bolt in the saleroom will be marked down to $5.00 a yard (cotton) and $7.00 a yard (flannel), one yard minimum. The rolled & tied fat quarters in the sale room will be 12 for $9.99. (that is less than 83 cents each).
You will be given a raffle ticket to fill out when you check out. At the end of each day, we will have a drawing (I will do a live video of the drawing each evening on FaceBook). We will draw 8 winning tickets each night, making at least 40 winners that week (double the number of years I have been in business!) Shop one day or each day that week; when you check out, you will get a ticket for every day you shop with me! But wait...I know I have at least 2 big boxes of prizes to be given away.
Last but not least, I "elect" to have a drawing...from all the remaining tickets on "Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, election day," several of you will be winners from the tickets not drawn the week before!
It will be a fun-filled week of savings and a drawing at the end of each day, with a special drawing on Nov. 7, too.
Please come and help this old Ma show her appreciation to all of you who have been customers for 20 years; I hope to meet new customers during this week of celebration, too. I hope to see all the familiar faces whom, over the years, I have had the honor of cutting fabric for, quilting for, and, best of all, becoming friends with. You each have become a part of my life, bringing me great joy, laughter, and fulfillment.
Come and enjoy the savings, a winner all by itself...and a chance to win gifts too.
I call this a CELEBRATION "20 YEARS IN THE MAKING!!!" And it will last a full FIVE DAYS plus a bonus day of the extra day of drawings!
I hope you can come to the party and enjoy the savings too! Between the time you receive this email and the 1st day of the celebration, I will have decided that other items I run across this week must be put on clearance or go into the gift box, too; that's how I work (I'm a last-minute girl). If I find it has lived in the shop too long...it needs to find a new home, and that home just might be yours!
See you then, maybe once or five times that week...it's up to you, and I will be tickled to see you anytime! Get your quilting buddies together, or come alone and make a day of it.
Please ask about places to eat anytime you visit Ma's here in Havana; we have a list in the shop for you with their address, too!
THANK YOU to everyone who has shopped me over the years. I am humbled, grateful, and fortunate to call you each my friend.
Would you like to contact Ma, Deb, or the shop?
305 W. Main St.
Havana, IL.