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Welcome to Ma's Got'a Notion
Here at Ma's, we got your back...quilt back that is!!!
2023 came in just like it does most years for me...I was a long time asleep when the clock struck midnight!
As each of you knows that are reading this, YOU my friend are alive and well!!! I have tested each and every one of your emails over the last couple of weeks...ONE at a time!
I had to do it one at a time to see which addresses were compromised. Out of almost 2000 names in my address book, 500+ seemed to be either bad emails or the recipients were no longer...with us.
I have to tell you, I really was amazed at how many answers I received from either a spouse or a grown child letting me know their loved one had passed in the last few years.
I'm here to tell you, it gave me pause...and reminds me, to be thankful for my good health & that of my loved ones.
Oh, don't misunderstand me, I too have aches and pains in my old joints, (especially my knees) like most of you, but I rise each morning happy to see the sun peeking in around my curtains, and I roll out to meet the day, happy I still can, and to have a job that calls me to stand erect!
We also got our first great-grandchild in December of 2022...having GREAT in front of your "granny title" truly does let one know their age! She is a doll and her momma says she's such a good baby.
Babies are such a blessing.
I had hoped to tell you about a beginner class I will be having in Feb.
I will elaborate more about it in the next newsletter. Seems like this year is going away as fast as the last one did.
I had every intention to have a class sample done to show you...let's just say while the intentions were good, time just was not on my side.
I'm excited that we have had several new sewers request, a beginners class.
My plans are to have the beginner class on Thursday evenings:
Feb. 8th, 16th, March 2nd, and 8th, 6 pm - 9 pm.
In a week or so I will have more info, a class sample, and a list of supplies needed to participate in the class.
I will share with you though that, it's a table runner. In this class you will learn how to read a pattern, press, cut, piece blocks, assemble with borders, layer the quilt sandwich, baste, quilt and bind the project.
I will be going to visit my daughter and "silly" son-in-law in CA (he is the one who made the zany videos you may have seen that I posted on Facebook). Before COVID, February was always my time to go to the ocean to visit them...LOL...they think they are the draw...it's the ocean that beacons to me! All kidding aside, just happy to get back to the normal of life, prior to 2019!
My week in CA is why there will be a week between the last 2 classes.
I do want to get a few other classes scheduled this year too. It's about time to get back to social functions for us all.
I also want to start a sit & sew on Saturdays a couple of times a month. Deb and I will take turns hosting this. It will give us all a chance to network and work on projects that have been neglected by us all.
More on those dates later too.
We will not be doing any classes in the months of June (as I will be gone the entire month), August & September, (are both the All IL Shop Hop), or December (as everyone is always so busy that month)...And we all wonder why time goes so fast...our life is no longer planned day to day, it's a year at a time!!!
That brings me to this announcement:
I will no longer be a vendor at quilt shows. It's not that I don't want to...it's that I am no longer able to, for various reasons. Age and strength first and foremost and then TIME...After the last couple of shows in 2022 Deb and I both ended up going to either the chiropractor or massage therapist or both due to shoulder pain. I told Deb, that we no longer need to be lifting those heavy tubs.
I know when to say...I GIVE!
With that being said, I hope you all will continue to make the trip and come to see us here in Havana. I will continue striving, to bring in beautiful fabrics for your piecing pleasure and interesting wide backings to cover your gorgeous tops.
As you all know, I have changed my shop hours. As a reminder:
I am open: Tue. - Sat. 10 am - 5 pm
and Closed: on Sun. & Mon.
It is just Deb and me now. While I do miss the extra helpers I have had working in the shop in the past, there is something to be said about having it be just the two of us. We have always worked well together and what one of us can't get to, the other one of of us does. I also know without hesitation that when I am not at the shop, Deb runs it like it's her own and I feel that I can leave it in her capable hands.
We just go at our own speed, and that's ok. My New Year's Resolution was, "to slow down, take the day as it comes, get done what I/we can, and what does not get done, can and will wait till tomorrow".
After almost 20 years in this biz, I knew that if I wanted to last at least another 10 years in this business...something was going to have to give!
As I said...I know when to say "I GIVE"... Keeping it simple feels pretty good!
With all that being said, I have lots of new fabrics and wide backings on order for 2023.
Don't forget if you have not signed up for the BOM "Blissful" quilt, pillow shams & the something's extras we have up our sleeve to go with this BOM...give us a call to sign up, only a few spots left. The cost is $48.99 per month for this 9 month BOM...you will be getting a lot for this price and a 20% discount for the wide backing of your choice to back this 93" X 93" quilt. You will receive: All of the patterns for the top & binding for the quilt. The pattern, fabrics for the tops of the shams and the backing for the shams too. And a few fun "go along extras" that you might now get from any other shops that may be doing this BOM.

I would like to ask each and everyone of you, should you know of a friend who does not get this newsletter, please ask them to go to my website to sign up to receive it. Also if you do not follow my Facebook page, please do so. https://www.facebook.com/masgotanotion (I do not believe you have to have a Facebook page to read what is on my page). If you click on the link, you can read what is there you just can't make a comment, if you are not a Facebook user.
Facebook is where I share daily, all the new products that land in the shop and any upcoming sales and classes.
Don't forget to visit my website when you can't get to the shop.
I wanted to get this newsletter out today so I can see if all the "test emails" I have sent over the last few weeks have sufficed in cleaning up my address book.
While I really like the new POS I purchased and how it works...it can't show me which addresses are no longer valid, and that really stinks...I am assured by the company reps that it is a problem they are attempting to address.
I figure when my son-in-law reads this newsletter, he will be shaking his head and saying...it's WAY too LONG. He is also in the retail business and all though our businesses are "so very different", he has some great pointers from a young person's view...He will never understand though how much quilters want to hear the gossip from their local quilt shop as to what's the latest happenings in the shops are!
That being said, I will be back soon with more news to enlighten you about what's happening here at Ma's!
Have a great week and hope to see you around the cutting table here at Ma's very soon.
Continued Prayers for Ukraine
Should you like to contact Ma or the shop Angels.
Email masgotanotion@gmail.com
Or Phone: 309-543-6613
Sue Schaeffer, Owner
Ma's Got'a Notion
305 W. Main St.
Havana, IL.
305 W. Main St.
Havana, IL.
Visit my Facebook Page