December Newsletter
It has been awhile since I have sent out a Newsletter and some of you have asked if I had lost your email address…No, I still have each of you on my list. I just have not kept current in 2018 with sending out Newsletters due to some “old age issues”…but 4 surgeries later I am functioning at my appropriate “body age,” so it seems…But…“I refuse to let old age get me down ‘cause… it’s to dang hard to get back up!”
Sewwww…many new things have come into the shop over the course of the past few months and 2019 already is promising more! With a whole host of new lines that I have on order the shop will be bursting at the seams…so to speak.
I hope you are following Ma’s Facebook Page as I post every day new fabrics that arrive in the shop!

Keep an eye out in Jan. 2019 for the Block of the Month: Geese in the Meadow designed by Kim Diehl. This is a 6 month BOM and the cost is $39.95 per month, which will include the pattern for each month and the fabrics (binding will be included with block 6) watch for this to be added to the website in Jan. 2019!
I am excited to get started on the One Crazy Sister’s Itty Bitty’s that are all fall themed. You will find these quilts very unique and possibly a bit of a challenge for those looking for something a bit different. This also will NOT be a club, but as individual kits for you to purchase as you like.
Plus lots of other great fabrics that I am enthusiastically looking forward to introducing to you!! I think each of you will find something to your liking coming in 2019 here at Ma’s.
I have even surprised myself on a few things I have on order, some so different from what you might expect from me…(now remember I have been on drugs the last 6 months of 2018…LOL)

We will also have Kim’s Whatnot’s 8. As you recall from the past, we do not do this as a “club” but as individual kits for you to purchase.

Cost of each of the above will be announced in the New Year, as soon as we get the time to get them all kitted and some of them pieced…
As you all know I always have a “New Year’s Day Sale” to make room on the showroom floor for the upcoming lines.
The last couple of years I tried a 1 X per mo. card for my guests to use throughout 2018, but it seemed to be confusing for some. Sewwww….this year, I am going to simplify it for you all…. Wait for it….
I will open the shop on New Year’s Day with some deep discounts…the rest of the week I will have descending discounts. So…my New Year’s Day Sale will last the remainder of the week! You caught that, right…it will just be less of a savings to you as the week progresses, so shop early, and shop often that week!
BUT…each of you who shop New Years week will also receive a bonus mystery Card…this mystery will be solved for you when I see you during the sale…let me tell you this…YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THE CARD THIS YEAR!
Y’all come now ya’ hear!!!!
New Year’s Day – Tue. 1/1/19 = 30% off
A super, huge, large “selection” of regular priced fabric on the bolt of reg. yardage and on ALL wide backings!
Same items just reduced % as the week progresses.
Wed. 1/2/19 = 25% off
Thur. 1/3/19 = 20% off
Fri. 1/4/19 = 15% off
Sat. 1/5/19 = 10% off
I will also have a number of kits that will be substantially marked down, as there are only 1, 2, or 3 left in their respective lots…and it is time they found homes, they are tired of being orphans! There will be lots of other things reduced that week too…so just load up your car with family and friends and come shop…uh-oh, save room for your purchases in the vehicle though!!!!!
$7.00 1-yard min. on the salesroom fabrics all week! You will find that I have replenished the salesroom if you have not been in for a while!
REMEMBER…you will receive a card to shop with real savings for the remainder of 2019.
Ok, let’s get down to the first quarter of the year classes.
Karen Hazard will be teaching the “Pineapple Table Runner Class”
Debbie Stell will be teaching a very unique top “Kira”
And I (Ma, aka Sue Schaeffer) will be teaching a beginner class of my own design for any one from 14 yrs. to 104 yrs. who may have a fear of flannel or wants to learn how to piece a quilt top “For the Boys”.
So come learn a new skill, make some new friends, and find a craft that will lead you to many different mediums, techniques, and build skills you never knew you possessed!
Please check in often on my Website’s Events Page for classes that will be announced for other dates. Also for those of you out of town… remember to shop my Website when you can’t get to Havana to see me. Please Like and Follow my Facebook page where I keep everything current. Remember, Ma’s always got your back!
For those of you who have not heard, I have partnered with local artist David Allen Badger and we are collaborating on publishing a Cook/Quilt book. I will have around 20/25 favorite recipes and pictures of quilts with the history of them from customers who have submitted. The deadline is Feb. 1, 2019 so it is not too late for YOU to submit.
Please email me at: masgotanotion@gmail.com includes the following:
A picture of your favorite quilt (it can be one you made or one made for you, or inherited) I need the name of the pattern and designer (if you know) so I can give them credit, if quilted by someone else their name too. I also need a brief history of the quilt.
I need your favorite recipe. I also need for you to type out all of the information (do not send me snaps of your recipe cards or the quilt labels) I do not have time or the eye site to decipher the snaps.
You will receive a free copy of the booklet if your entry is printed! Your phone number is needed too (it will not be printed) I need it should I have any last min. questions before it goes to print.
I also have fallen behind in staying current with my BLOG which I vow to stay up-to-date in 2019…whew y’all know how I like to talk so this should be an easier resolution than weight loss…LOL
Please note that we will close at 4pm on Sat. Dec. 22, 2018 and not re-open until New Year’s Day, Jan. 1, 2019 so we can regenerate and enjoy the holidays with our family and friends too.