BOM are Doable’s
I would like to introduce the “Pride and Joy” (BOM) block of the month by Kim Diehl starting Jan. 2018 here at Ma’s. I am in the process of piecing the shop sample and I am having such a good time! I would like to share with you, the progress. I hope you will sign up and sew along with me! This is a 6 month program for $38.00 per month. By the time you have received all 6 kits, you will have the full pattern for the quilt and all of the fabrics for the top and binding. Kim’s kitting directions always call for ample fabrics…so you have the added bonus of left-overs, we love that! I will be sharing with you in this BLOG a free pattern. You can save up those left-overs and add a bit more to them which gives you another beautiful project too!
To sign up for the BOM please call the shop with your Credit Card info. and mailing address and we will get you started on receiving your monthly package of <piecing pleasure>! Here is a snap shot of month 1 and month 2 of the parts you will be piecing up. This will be on my web site at a bit later date, but if you want to get started, give us a ring now 309-543-6613.
Yes, just like you I am a piecingholic…
Month 1 is completed in this snapshot.
Look what month 2 adds. Here is a snapshot, see how the 4 added stars and a framing border complete the center of the quilt and allow the center star to shine!
Here is the link to the free download to the free pattern:
Handful of Stars
The shop will be closed at 12 noon on Dec.23, 2017 for Christmas break and will reopen on Jan.1, 2018. As for me, I will while away the hours working on this BOM…oh, what a super fun way to make a living. Sew…she says, as she sweeps up the bits of fabrics and threads off the floor and from her clothing!
Loving this one…Sew Says Ma!
PS. Web orders will be shipped during shut down, so order away you piecing peeps!